I-cord Edge Knitting - How to knit an applied i-cord

The following photo tutorial shows you knit an applied i-cord, otherwise known as i-cord edge knitting, to a hat or bonnet as shown in this baby bonnet pattern

1. Once you have worked a long enough i-cord tie, and starting at the wearer’s left hand edge of the hat or bonnet, knit 2 stitches from your i-cord.

2. Slip the 1 remaining stitch purl-wise onto your right hand needle.

3. Take yarn round needle from back to front to create an extra stitch.

4. Pick up and knit 1 stitch from the edge of the bonnet.

5. Pick up the slipped stitch and the “yarn round needle” stitch.

6. Pass them over the last stitch on your needle - the one that was picked up and knit from the bonnet.

7. Slide the stitches to the other end of the needle.

8. Keep repeating steps 1 -7. This is what your attached i-cord will look like.
